Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music: workflow analysis and database design.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music: workflow analysis and database design.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc: preparation of tender documents for envisaged online products; data consultancy and project management for the Berg Fashion Library; data and metadata model design and consultancy for the Churchill Archive, for Drama Online, and for the forthcoming Fashion Photography Archive products.
Collins Dictionaries: design of a bespoke universal data model for dictionary content, and consultancy regarding its implementation.
Copyright Licensing Agency: technical assistance with digital product development.
Earthscan: preparation of a data model for a proposed online product.
Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL): analysis of an information website and recommendations for redevelopment.
Europeana: wireframe development for Europeana 1914-1918, and responsive wireframe development for the general Europeana portal.
The European Library: site analysis, information architecture and wireframes design as part of the ongoing redevelopment of The European Library's portal site.
Faber: consultancy on web developer selection.
Hodder & Stoughton: preparation of a data model for biblical texts.
Independent Publishers Guild: consultancy on procurement of web development services.
Institute of Physics: consultancy on recruitment and digital strategy.
The National Gallery: consultancy relating to digitisation of the National Gallery's publications, and in-house training in digital workflows.
Oxford University Press: data conversion and data model management services.
Pearson Education: editorial and content management system review.
Pickering & Chatto: data, metadata and workflow design.
Publishing Training Centre: course design and delivery.
Sage: consultancy on data design and preparation for online products.
Taylor & Francis: authoring template design and development, and transformation routines.
University of Oxford: information architecture design for the University's staff website, for the Oxford Learning Institute, for the University's Examination Regulations, and for its Estates Services.
University of Winchester: data model and wireframes design for medieval manuscripts in digital form.
Victoria County History: consultancy on strategies and models for digital publication.
Voltaire Foundation: data and metadata model design, workflow design and management, QA design and management for digital scholarly editions.